Our Community's Goal

One Small Step

Bottom-up, viral behavioural change through local communities is an immensely important part of decarbonising our society in the timeframe needed to prevent runaway global warming.

Make real, long-lasting emission reductions

We aim to support 100,000 One Small Step users to reduce 1 million tonnes of greenhouse gas together, through lifestyle & behaviour changes. That means an average annual 10 tonne reduction per person. This equates to halving your annual footprint for most people. A big effort, but we can do it together!

Will you help us reach our goal?

Each and every one of the 100,000 people who downloads the app is a real person, committed to reducing their carbon emissions.

That’s our current goal: to mobilise 100,000 people to make a difference that’s an order of magnitude greater than the community members involved.

This 1 million tonne goal is just the start. Right now, One Small Step is free to download in the United States and Australia. But we plan to enter other parts of the world soon. In the meantime, jump into the app, start taking action, and get your friends involved too so we can grow this movement quickly.

The potential impact of this initiative over time is huge

The latest IPCC report shows that a whopping 40-70% of global emission reductions can come from people changing their behaviour & shifting consumer demand (this is called ‘demand-side mitigation’).

It’s now proven that at scale, our personal choices really do add up to have a huge impact on carbon emissions. That’s why One Small Step exists. To make it easy for people to make simple and long-lasting changes that reduce carbon emissions in real time, so they can have a meaningful, direct & measurable impact on climate change right now.

Why now?

⏰ The clock is ticking

We’re on a deadline, we have 6 years to reach ‘drawdown’ - the point in the future where levels of emissions in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to decline. By reaching drawdown before 2030, we’ll prevent catastrophic climate change.

Trees are excellent carbon sequestration tools, and we want to make each & every small step you take as impactful as possible.

But hold up, is that really going to make a difference?  

👨‍👩‍👧 Behaviour change is essential

Averting the climate crisis is a challenge that requires action from all levels of our society. It’s not going to only take governments and corporations. Similarly, it’s not going to only take communities and individuals. It’s going to take all of us.

Bottom-up, viral behavioural change through local communities is an immensely important part of decarbonising our society in the timeframe needed to prevent runaway global warming.

A Drawdown Solutions analysis reveals that individual and household actions can produce over a quarter of the total emissions reductions needed to avoid dangerous climate change.

That’s a lot higher than most people realise.

It’s because we are each an integral part of a complex system that is reliant on fossil fuels; from the food we buy and the electricity we consume to the way we get around and the buildings we live in.

🌏 Together, we can make a real & massive impact

Simple changes in the behaviour of ordinary people can have a surprisingly massive impact on the environment.

The latest IPCC report shows that a whopping 40-70% of global emission reductions can come from people changing their behaviour & shifting consumer demand (this is called ‘demand-side mitigation’).

It’s now proven that at scale, our personal choices really do add up to have a huge impact on carbon emissions. And we have a lot more power and agency than we realise over whether that impact is positive or negative.

That’s why One Small Step exists. To make it easy for people to make simple and long-lasting changes that reduce carbon emissions in real time, so you can have a meaningful, direct & measurable impact on climate change right now.

How big can this get?
Through market sizing research, we've estimated that there are 1.53 billion mobile app users globally who care deeply about climate change, and who we think would b interested in using One Small Step. If this many people reduce their annual emissions by just 1.5 tonnes each,  then CONSERVATIVELY, this equates to a gigantic 5% reduction in global annual emissions. To put that into perspective, an emissions reduction of that size is roughly DOUBLE the impact of eliminating ALL emissions from the global aviation industry. Think about how big a problem fuel emissions from planes are for climate change. Getting minor emission reductions from large numbers of people changing their behaviour completely dwarfs this in terms of the climate mitigation potential. And that's just talking about the direct impacts of behaviour change, let alone the impact we can have collectively to grow the market power of zero carbon businesses and massively reduce demand for fossil-fuel intensive products and services.

The bigger the movement supporting mass behaviour change becomes, the closer we get to having a true chance of reaching drawdown (the point after we reach zero emissions globally, when we start removing carbon pollution from the atmosphere and reversing some of the impacts of global warming). This is about our future, and the future of the world. It couldn't be bigger or more important. Please get involved today.